Sarah Koenig

  • Description: Creator, Host and Producer, Serial Podcast
  • Alt. names or misspellings: Sara, SK, Keonig, Kenig, Kaynig, Konig
  • Employer: This American Life / Serial
  • Spoke on podcast(s)? Serial
  • Interviewed by other media, since Serial? Has given multiple interviews relating to the case (See links on"News Media" and "Other Media" wiki-pages)
Further information:

Formerly a reporter for the Baltimore Sun when she wrote about Gutierrez’ record breaking disbarment.

Lawyer Gutierrez agrees to disbarment. Missing funds spurred investigationĀ illness blamed for irregularities
June 02, 2001, Sarah Koenig

Attorney is drawing numerous complaints. Clients say Gutierrez cheated them July 19, 2001, Sarah Koenig

People Group: